Our neighborhood garage sale is almost here! Below are a map of the sales and a list of some specific items available.

Our neighborhood garage sale is almost here! Below are a map of the sales and a list of some specific items available.
Plan Your Day! Join the Richmond Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale Event June 8-10 with Jolly Frog Food Cart. Get outside and stroll Madison’s scenic east side neighborhood with 15+ friendly sales and food cart. Look for our signature red flags at mailboxes. This event brings hundreds of friendly Wisconsin folks together for a great weekend of treasure hunting and great food! Coordinated sale offers special features listed with area map.
We would love to see you!
Plan Your Day! Join the Richmond Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale Event June 9-11 with Jolly Frog Food Cart. Get outside and stroll Madison’s scenic east side neighborhood with 15+ friendly sales and food cart. Look for our signature red flags at mailboxes. This event brings hundreds of friendly Wisconsin folks together for a great weekend of treasure hunting and great food! Coordinated sale offers special features listed with area map.
We would love to see you!
Shop the first-ever Richmond Hill FALL garage sale- September 16-18! We have 12 homes participating and expect friendly customers and nice weather! Look for the red flags on the mailboxes of participating homes.
Thursday, September 16 7:30-5:30
Friday, September 17 7:30-5:30
Saturday, September 18 8:00-Noon
Shop the annual Richmond Hill garage sale- June 10-12! This year, we have 14 homes participating and expect friendly customers and nice weather! Look for the red flags on the mailboxes of participating homes.
Thursday June 10 7:30-5:30
Friday June 11 7:30-5:30
Saturday June 12 8:00-Noon
Back by popular demand Jolly Frog food cart will be vending Thursday. Try Jolly Frog’s tacos, nachos and quesadillas, and chow down on their two best meats: al pastor and carne asada.
And NEW this year: Friday and Saturday- Indian frybread ( taco or strawberry) fundraiser for local tribal youth program at 1310 Manassas Trail.
Join us virtually on Tuesday, May 4 at 7:00pm on Zoom. The RHHA Board will provide updates, share upcoming events, and welcome our many new neighbors. If you’re new to the neighborhood, please consider attending as this is a great chance to learn more about the neighborhood! Click here to join on May 4 at 7:00pm.
Or, join with: Zoom Meeting ID: 845 7923 6927, Passcode: RHHA
Hello Richmond Hill Neighbors,
We hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy. Please see below for a couple of neighborhood announcements.
Polling Location Changed
Our ward’s polling location has been changed for the November 3 election due to the ongoing pandemic. Ward 7 will now be voting at Messiah Lutheran Church, 5202 Cottage Grove Road. All polling places have also been updated on the MyVote Wisconsin website. Visit myvote.wi.gov for all information related to next week’s election.
Halloween Safety
Public Health Madison and Dane County has provided these guidelines and suggestions for people who would still like to hand out candy or go trick-or-treating on Saturday. The suggestions include leaving candy out on your porch, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet away from others, and only trick-or-treating with members of your household. Please make the decision that is best for you and your family.
Leaf and Yard Waste Collection
Yard waste collection is scheduled two more times this season: this week and the week of November 16. For more information and drop-off site hours, visit this page.
Take care and stay safe!
– Richmond Hill Homeowners Association Board
Hello Richmond Hill Neighbors,
We hope you’re all doing well and staying safe. Please see below for a few neighborhood announcements.
Polling Location Changed
Our ward’s polling location has been changed for the April 7 election due to COVID-19. Ward 7 will voting at City Church, 4909 E. Buckeye Road. All polling places have also been updated on the MyVote Wisconsin website. By visiting myvote.wi.gov , voters can confirm their polling place and view a sample ballot.
POSTPONED- RHHA Annual Garage Sale Event
The neighborhood garage sale event will be postponed until the fall. Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you posted when dates have been selected.
Stay Tuned
More information will be coming soon about dues collection and our annual meeting. We will absolutely take health and safety concerns around COVID-19 into account, so look for more details soon.
Thank you and we hope to see you at a safe distance around the neighborhood!
– Richmond Hill Homeowners Association Board
Join neighbors for the
Join neighbors for the Annual Richmond Hill Holiday Party on Thursday, December 12 from 6:30-8:30 at the Great Dane Eastside. Heavy appetizers will be served and a cash bar will be available.
Please register online by Wednesday, December 4: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rhha-holiday-party-2019-tickets-80912951817
We hope to see you December 12! Please contact Beth Johnson with any questions.
The neighborhood garage sale event will take place Thursday, June 6 through Saturday, June 8. Click here for a map of participating homes and list of what’s for sale!
There’s still time to add your sale to the list. Click here for details and sign-up sheet.
Jolly Frog food cart and Cool Sweets Ice Cream Truck will be vending on Fredericksburg Lane on Thursday June 6th.