Richmond Hill Neighborhood’s polling place has changed. Our ward (7) will now vote at the Westminster Senior Apartments at 6160 Dell Drive.
Author Archives: Beth Johnson
Halloween Movie in the Park- October 12
RHHA Summer Picnic- August 26
Party in the Park- July 13
RHHA Garage Sales- May 31-June2
The RHHA Garage Sale is happening May 31-June 2. Jolly Frog food cart will be here on Thursday, May 31. Click here for the Richmond Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale Map & Feature Items 2018
Movie Night in the Park- June 8
Upcoming Events
Thanks to everyone who attended the annual meeting last night! As a reminder and for those who weren’t able to attend, our list of upcoming events is below. Save the dates and look for more details soon! If you have ideas for movies or want to get involved in any way, please let Beth Johnson () know.
RHHA Annual Meeting- May 7
Join us on Monday, May 7 at 6:00pm at the Great Dane for the annual neighborhood meeting. Dan Brinkman from DSI Property Management will present updates on the Grandview Town Center development, we’ll hear updates from the RHHA Board, and announce some upcoming summer event dates. If you’re new to the neighborhood, please consider attending as this is a great chance to learn more about the neighborhood and meet many neighbors!
RHHA Holiday Party- December 7
Please join us Thursday, December 7 6:00-9:00pm for our annual neighborhood holiday party! The party will be held at North of the Bayou (802 Atlas Avenue), heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served, and a cash bar will be available.
Click here to register!
New this year: registration will be online only.
Please register by November 30.